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D's Digest

  • How to Cultivate A Healthy Gut Microbiome

    How to Cultivate A Healthy Gut Microbiome

    Dr. Marvin Singh, founder of Precisione Clinic, delves into the intricate world of the gut microbiome, emphasizing its impact on conditions from allergies to mental health. Uncover how everyday products, from cleaning agents to food packaging, affect the delicate balance of gut bacteria and explore a "back to basics" approach. Learn the profound influence of a whole-food, plant-focused diet in cultivating a robust microbiome for optimal well-being.
  • How Does Exercise Affect Your Gut Health

    How Does Exercise Affect Your Gut Health

    Revamp your fitness plan with a focus on gut health and immunity. Research indicates that cardio exercises, done consistently, positively impact gut microbiome diversity. Prioritize your well-being through targeted workouts, balanced nutrition, and quality probiotics. Achieve a healthier gut and greater happiness in the new year!

  • Soda That's Good for You?

    Soda That's Good for You?

    An Edible Toronto article about how CEO Darren Portelli took one of North America’s most condemned junk foods and "turned it on its head".